Predprijava zajema Microsoft Powerpoint prezentacijo - animacijo naravnih in kulturnih znamenitosti in nakupovalni vodič Zgornje Gorenjske oz. turistične regije Julijske Alpe ( Bled z okolico, Bohinj z okolico, Kranjska Gora Vršič - dolina Trente - Bovec (reka Soče ter vodni & ostali športov ) - Kobarid ( I. svetovna vojna) - Tolmin - Transalpina (bohinjska proga), srednjeveška-zgodovinska podoba Dežele (Radovljica, Begunje) ter fužinarske Krope, zgodovinski pregled in mestne znamenitosti Ljubljane ter 20 trgovskih, obrtnih, storitvenih in uslužnostnih podjetij na blejski Promenadi - Cesti Svobode na blejskem letoviškem središču
V stiku z gosti - turisti tj. "delu na terenu" sem dognal, da boljša kot je informiranost ciljne klientele, lažje se le-ti odločajo za obisk znamenitosti. Na osebni ravni sem si tako zastavil cilj kreiranja atraktivnega medijskega sporočila tj. informacije ki jo gost - turist potrebuje za čim lažje odločanje in preživljanje dopusta, predvsem za potrošnjo "počitniškega proračuna". V osnovi gre za izkoriščanje multiplikativnega učinka turističnega gospodarstva, saj gost - turist s svojo potrošnjo spodbudno vpliva na dokaj širok diapazon (turističnega) gospodarstva. Metoda in tehnika graditve atraktivnega medijskega sporočila o turistični destinaciji namenjenega gostom, predstavlja lastni poskus oblikovanja integralnega turističnega produkta. Izhaja iz lastnih znanj, spoznanj in samoopazovanj (sebe kot turista) in je del poslovne strategije hotela, ki z blagovno znamko Premier teži h odličnosti in ter gradi turistično - hotelirsko miselnost zavezano h osebni gostoljubnosti.
V mladinskem hotelu Celica v Ljubljani sem turistične informacije podajal v njihovi materialni obliki (prospekti, zemljevidi, brošure…). V drugi fazi v hotelu Lovec sem začel s fotografiranjem turistično atraktivnih vsebin tj. naravnih in kulturnih znamenitosti (gora, slapov, jezer, sotesk…). Le-te fotografije sem prikazoval individualnim gostom na prenosnem računalniku z namenom motivacije raziskovanja TNP. V tretji fazi sem začel sestavljati Powerpoint prezentacije – animacije. Za nakupovalne potrebe gostov sem se povezal z trgovskimi in obrtnimi lokali na blejski promenadi in izdelal prezentacijo - nakupovalni vodič. Prezentacija je bila uvedena v poslovanje podjetja z januarjem 2006. V hotelu Lovec je bil izveden projekt nabave plasma televizije (120 cm) ter povezave z recepcijskim računalnikom, iz katerega se prezentacijo upravlja in prikazuje poljubne vsebine, glede na interes individualnega gosta. Rezultate dnevno spremljam na recepciji preko vsakodnevnih stikov z gosti, katerim posnamem CD s prezentacijo kot darilo. Prezentacija vključuje stalno nadgrajevanje (fotografiranje, zbiranje tekstov, prevodov).
S preglednostjo ponudbe naravnih znamenitosti ter trgovskih & obrtnih lokalov se dvigne zadovoljstvo klientele, ki posledično več potroši znotraj hotelskega kompleksa (podaljševanje nočitev, obisk wellnessa ter gostinskih obratov), stopnja potrošnje pa se dvigne tudi v samem turističnem območju (ogled lokalnih znamenitosti, prevoznine (pletnarji, fijakerji), najem športne opreme in storitev, obisk trgovskih, obrtnih, gostinskih lokalov...) s tem pa vzdržuje cel niz delovnih mest ter zagotavlja sredstva za nadaljnje investicije in razvoj. S primerno predstavitvijo raznolikosti možnosti individualnim gostom si ne zagotavljamo samo povečano potrošnjo ob obstoječem obisku, temveč si zagotavljamo možnosti za vračanje gostov tj. pridobitvi stalne klientele. S podaljševanjem nočitev se je tako povečal prihodek podjetja. Dvig zadovoljstva gostov najbolj odražajo vtisi iz knjige gostov ter oddani interni vprašalniki. Ker TNP ponuja 1001 možnost za oddih in rekreacijo, je v teku raziskovanje in izdelava novih mikro destinacij izpeljanih iz glavnih tematskih poti. Hotel Lovec je edini hotel na Bledu, ki ima tovrstni informacijsko-prezentacijski sistem v 6 tujih jezikih.
31 komentarjev:
Super ideja. Dandanes se vse več ljudi odziva na multimedijske rešitve, in to je dobra predstopnja oz osnova predstavitve lepot naše dežele. Eno so klasične brošure, drugo je I-net, in tretje je to...Kjer koli si, v hotelu, na avtobusni postaji, letališču, v gostinskih lokalih...povsod lahko s kančkom očesa zaznaš nove ideje, kam sedaj, kam jutri, kako lepo in domačno je pri nas.
Pomembno je, da ponudimo gostom odgovore na naslednji vprašanji. Zakaj bi gost rad ostal? Zakaj bi se rad ponovno vrnil?
In to vsekakor je ideja, ki jo je mogoče le z malce truda, želje in dobre volje v kratkem času spraviti v realnost ter jo podpreti z ustrezno, danes že na vsakem vogalu dostopno tehnologijo.
Ideja ni omejena in rigidna, ima potenciale, da se nadgradi razširi, tako v smislu celostnega turizma Slovenije kot tehničnih in multimedijskih nadgradenj v prihodnosti.
Srečno Kekec!
TOMAŽ KOŠIR - svetla zvezda mlajše generacije blejskih turističnih delavcev
Tomaža poznam že iz mladosti in spomnim se da je že takrat kazal veliko zanimanje za lokalno zgodovino Bleda, njegove okolice in tudi področje celotne Slovenije. Najino poslovno sodelovanje se je pričelo pred petimi leti, ko je Tomaž, še kot študent delal kot informator, vodič in receptor v umetniško renoviranem hostlu Celica v Ljubljani, mi pa smo z njegovo pomočjo pričeli tam tržiti naš enodnevni izlet Emerald River Adventure. Že takrat je bil zelo opazen in pohvalen njegov entuzijazem za delo z obiskovalci hostla Celica. Sodelovanje med Tomažem in nami se je še bolj utrdilo pred dvemi leti, ko je se je zaposlil v Hotelu Lovec na Bledu. Njegov entuzijazem za delo v turizmu se je še ukrepil in mislim, da je postal skozi zadnja leta najbolj goreč promotor Bleda in lepot v njegovi okolici. Vedno ima sveže ideje in eden izmed njegovih večjih projektov - multimedijska prezentacija zanimivih krajev, poti in znamenitosti v okolici bo sigurno pripomogla k večji prepoznavnosti in promociji Bleda in Slovenije, hkrati pa bo v veliko pomoč tako domačim, kot tudi tujim obiskovalcem ob raziskovanju naših znanih in malo manj znanih čudovitih kotičkov v kraju samem in njegovi okolici.
Domen Kalajžič
Celotno prezentacijo sem pogledala in preučila. To je velikanski trud! Je večplastno delo (slikanje, obdelava fotografij, priprava besedila, prevod in multimedijska obdelava) s pogledom v prihodnost razvoja turizma v Sloveniji, s tem pa tudi gospodarstva. In to samo s pomočjo lokalnih zmogljivosti, tako rekoč "iz nič". Kaj če bi nadaljevali z informacijo o celotni Sloveniji?
Podobnih idej je danes veliko, ampak manjka energije in doslednosti, kar je očitno pri tem projektu.
Danes turist ceni kompaktno in izrazito informacijo, ki je v pravem času in na pravem mestu, pa še topel, skoraj ljubeč odnos ljudi, ki so v neposrednem kontaktu z njim. V tem smislu je prezentacija in način predvajanja zadetek v 10 in je dober pomočnik tudi za nadaljnji stik gosta z turističnim vodnikom.
Margarita Štoviček
turistična vodnica
A very pleasant hotel with friendly, helpful staff, a special mention for Tomaž and his informative, historical, Powerpoint presentation of this region of Slovenia. I have almost forgotten that he missed my wake-up call!
Rob & Winston
(working at Acroni Jesenice)
P.S. Tomaž is a credit to the hotel Lovec
Compliments and regards at first to the staff of the hotel, above all to mr. Tomaž at the Front desk, who is very nice, and who presented and gave me CD Slovene Virtual Guide - Guide through Bled, Bohinj lake and surrounding. He is posessing a extraordinary talent for animation and presentation. I support his project and I sincerly hope, he will make it and make a great success through it.
With the great pleasure, yours hotel and all beautifull impressions during our stay here will be recommended to our friends, and I sincerly hope to be your distinguished guest again.
Slađana, Poreč
For the group Grünenthal d.o.o from Croatia I received as a gift Tomaž's Slovenia virtual guide. Through this marvellous CD, beside of great teaching us about Slovenia and giving us practical information, it is throughout very nicely organised and designed. It would be good, that there would be more materials of these kind.
Jasna Pešec, Adić Zoran, Gordana
Šašo, Grünenthal, Croatia
Vse pohvale za hotel in osebje. Še posebej g. Tomažu, ki nas je osbrbel s CD s prezentacijo. Zelo dobrodošla in v tem primeru tudi kakovostna poteza.
Marjana Pintar
Biotehniška fakulteta
A very welcoming hotel, room was very comfortable. Service was friendly. We particulary appreciated Tomaž's dvd of the surrounding area. As our trip was short it was a great way of finding out what we wanted to see without wasting any valuable time. Thank you Thomaz.
Mary Carlton, England
Tomaz, we thank you from our heart, for your lovely CD that you gave us before our departure. Congratulations and we wish you every success in your efforts that you do. Every time we see you, we understand how much you love your country. Thank you once more.
Yianna Stefani Ohanessian
We also stayed in the Lovec in Bled. On our arrival we were given a lot of tourist information by the receptionist who spoke excellent English and was keen to give us a computer CD showing his highlights of the area!
Response from web form:
Slovene Dream Feedback
Fiona Reid
Odgledao sam slovenački virtualni vodič Tomaža Košira. Fenomenalan je. Došlo mi je, da odmah kupin Kanon aparat, proputujem Banat, Vojvodinu, Srbijo i napravim nešto nalik ovom vodiču. Sve što treba je tu; istorija, geografija, lepota »kakršne ni nikjer«, ljudi, putovanja, ubilasci… Sve je tu. Bravo! (Tomaž)
Tomaž provided us with essential information on all the must see sights and beyond. Without a doubt we would not have enjoyed such a fantastic experience without being prepped with his slide show, personal experiences. Something which was seemingly lacking in the local tourist information centre and leaflets…
Thank you so much to all the staff at hotel Lovec & especially Tomaz for making our stay in Bled in such a memorable one. Thanks heaps for everything, especially ending our stay on a most memorable note... the midnight wellness experience!!!
You are credit to a Best Western group & to Slovenia.
Steven & Jacqueline
London & Sidney
Saw Tomazs presentantion and his excitment about this region is infectious. His slides were spectacular. We enjoyed his presentation very much.
Ros Vancil
Janis Reynolds, USA
It's simply unequalled! This presentation contains much more than technology, much more than usefull information, much more than spectacular pictures... With this CD Tomaž gave me some intangable, but such a great feeling, that Slovenija waits for me like an old friend, and it gives me an aspiration to return back here again. Where's a secret? I'm sure, it's an auhtor's great love and respect to his country. It shines and makes excited everyone, indeed!
With such an enthusiastic people like Tomaž, Slovenia could win the reputation of the most beautifull and friendly country in the world!
Aušra, Lithuania
Nekaj časa nazaj sem že slišal za projekt, ki ga je začel g. Tomaž Košir in slišal nekaj zalo pohvalnih besed. Da je temu res sem tudi hotel osebno prepričati, kajti toliko superlativov o eni predstavitvi še nisem zasledil. V hotelu Lovec smo imeli tridnevni seminar, kjer nam je organizator priskrbel tudi za popoldanske aktivnosti na Bledu in okolici. Med temi aktivnostmi je bila tudi predstavitev s strani g. Tomaža in posledično tudi ogled prikazanega v živo.
Odnos g. Tomaža do narave, do ljudi, njegov pristop in znanje, ki ga ima bi lahko mnogim v zgled. Osebno mu želim obilo uspeha, kajti ideja,,ki jo ima se mi zdi prečudovita in nad vse zanimiva.
Zagotovo bo obrodila sadove.
Samo tako naprej….
Informacijsko-prezentacijski sistem, na način kot ga predstavlja g. Tomaž Košir, bi moral biti na vpogled gostom v vseh bolj ali manj znanih turističnih krajih po Sloveniji. Ideja se mi zdi naravnost fantastična! Prednosti, ki jih ponuja je namreč več. Med drugim ta, da gosta na nekem turističnem področju lahko zadržimo dlje, saj mu lahko ponudimo celo paleto različnih idej za izlete, aktivnosti, kar posledično zagotovo pomeni večjo potrošnjo.
Izdelava prezentacijskega sistema je sicer lahko zamudna in zahteva veliko dela, ni pa draga, zato bi si jo brez večjih težav lahko privoščili v večini slovenskih hotelov in tudi na ta način popestrili svojo ponudbo.
Razširimo svojim gostom obzorja izven hotelskih pragov tudi s pomočjo tega projekta!
Domen V.
vedno me veselijo uporabne rešitve po sistemu "in medias res"!
Kot je bilo že omenjeno,turizem smo ljudje,info prezentacijski sistem dokazuje da so kvalitetne rešitve tudi možne s strani naših turističnih delavcev in njihove "kmečke" logike!!!
Zelo zanimivo-čim več turističnih delavcev,ki mislijo s svojo glavo in promovirajo naše lepote.
še več podobnih projektov
This is our first visit to Slovinia and ere indeed fortunate to meet Tomaz Kosir at Hotel Lovec who told us to be sure to arrange a tour of the National Park.He then showed us his Presentation of the "Royal Tour" as he called it.This made such an impression on us that we immediately arranged to follow thr route in the Presentation,the very next day.
With the help of the knowledge gained from the Presentation we had no difficulty in following the route and finding the many points of special interest high -lighted in the Presentation.We had an amazing enjoyable and memorable day seeing some of the finest scenery in Europe and look forward to showing our photographs to friends and family in England.We only hope that some of these will be as good as those taken by Tomaz an ardent and dedicated lover of his National Park.
We are an agency from Slovakia organizing a trips for our clients. We cooperate with a lot of hotels in Europe. We are very happy to meet Tomaž and come to Bled. Tomaž cares of our clients and manages the beautiful program in Julien Alps. He knows the region very well and tries to show its beauty in the best way as possible. We are looking forward to cooperate with him. Thanks Tomaž:)
OK agency s.r.o., Slovakia
Odlična ideja in predstavitev. Me veseli da se nekaj dela tudi za "ta zgornji" konec Slovenije. Uporabna zadeva in mislim, da se bo med nami in turisti dobro prijela.
Thank you for the great hotel, fantastic receptionists. I really enjoyed the presentation of the National Park in the hall (Tomaz work). Good job!!
Rick Steves group
First of all, I would like to wish you "good luck" with your project, becouse you are so much in it, and it goes without saying - that the project is wonderful. I dont really want to sound like giving the compliments, but I want to admit some things - just for you to be more sure about what are you doing and to know that people do like it. Like a normal tourist, I would say, that Power Point presentation you have done, made me want to see all these things and places. From the point of view of press - attache (as I am), I would like to say, that it is done professionally: good, vivid pictures, catching phrases, excellent design and a proper structure. By no doubts, the translation in 7 languages will put it on high level and international standard.
Well, stay the way you are - optimistic, enthusiastic, easy-going and you will achieve whatever you want!
It was nice to meet you!!!
Very enjoyable stay in Bled. The Power Point Presentation - an excellent introduction to the area.
Idejo o multimedijski predstavitvi najlepšega dela Gorenjske in še vedno najprepoznavnejšega dela Slovenije (blejski otok z jezerom) zelo pozdravljam. Še posebej zato, ker avtor stvari predstavi večplastno in na za turista privlačen način. Da je tak način seznanjanja z našo deželo (ob vseh turističnih vodičih, brošurah...) zelo zaželen in uspešen, pa najbolje govorijo komentarji gostov hotela Lovec, ki so veseli zgoščenih informacij s prelepimi fotografijami in to iz prve roke. Pa še CD kot darilo in popotnica - najučinkovitejša marketinška poteza (širjenje dobrega glasu od ust do ust) in zagotovilo, da "še pridemo". Ker vem, da želi g. Košir svojo idejo nadgraditi in razširiti, mu iskreno želim, da bi mu uspelo!! Da bi njegovemu pozivu k sodelovanju prisluhnilo čim več turističnih ponudnikov in dejansko pristopilo k tesnejšemu povezovanju! Vsi v turizmu bi veliko pridobili - turisti (prvo leto so si na osnovi te prezentacije pogledali Gorenjsko, drugo leto bi si morda Notranjsko in Kras,tretje leto ...) in (in)direktni turistični ponudniki.
Dear Tomaz,
We had plan to stay for 2 nights and then we met »Mr. Enthusiasm« for Slovenia and its beauty.
We picked up my daughter in Salzburg and extended our stay for an extra 2 days, primarily to live the magic of Tomaz powerpoint. We followed his fabulous itinerary, with 3 young girls, and we were all enthrilled with the beauty of Triglav National Park, the waterfalls, the Soča, the museums. A perfect way to end out 4 days in Lake Bled. It is so exciting to sense the energy and enthusiasm of the Slovene people as they realize the future for this country is so hight. Tomaz, you embody this enthusiasm: warm, energetic, knowledgeable and innovative. These traits will serve your country and you quite well.
We wish you well in your future and look forward to following your successes and the prosperity of your country
With best regards
David Maligan, family: Kim, Lauren, Danielle and Krista
Wir möchten uns auf diesen Wege bei Euch, recht Herzlich, für tollen Aufenthalt bedanken. Wir kommen immerwieter gerne in unsere Ex-Heimat zurück und geniessen die Landschaft, wunderbare Natur, sowie die herzliche Gastfreundschaft. Dieses mal hatte (will) wir viel Glück, denn dieser 2.tägigen Aufenthalt gewonnen wir bei dem Bayerisch – Slowenischen Treffen in München – Hotel Bayerisches Hof, wo wir auch als Gäste sein durften. Darüber freiten wir uns sehr! Eines möchte ich bei dieser Gelegenheit noch erwähnen:
- Die Werberepresentation von Hr. Tomaž ist eine tolle Einrichtung. Nur Schade, das man in Ausland von Slowenien und deren Schönheit viel zuwennig erfährt und kennt.
Solche Werbung muß umbedingt in anderen Medier, wie TV, erscheinen, denn das ist mit Sicherheit der beste weg die Gäste anzulocken.
Wir werden die Urlaubsreisen nach SLO weiter empfehlen, denn dieses Land ist einer der schönsten Länder in Europa, so ein Land muss man besuchen und kennenlernen.
Euch allen wünschen wir nur des Beste, bleibt weiterhin so nett und freundlich, dann werden die Gäste immer wieder zurückkehren.
Josef Jurgetz
We had a great time, thanks to Tomaz and all his help with directions. Especially his powerpoint presentation of the area attractions. We will recommend the Lovec to all our friends.
Randy Newsberry
Virginia, USA
Enjoyed your presentation on the area - it helped us plan our own time here - but also helped us understand that we need to come back to Slovenia... We certanly shall. Also thanks for taking an interest in our holiday and what we would like to do as individuals - and to making it happen - right down to the extra tea in the room.
Best Regards
Gary Mitchell
Thank you for all the helpfull explanations and recommendations. The presentation was excellent and got us very excited on seeing the beautiful scenery of Slovenia. The views and places we visited as a result of seeing the presentation were extraordinary and made us extend our visit by an additional day.
Now that we know there is so much more to see we will definitly come back for more.
All the best, and many thanks
Tal & Shmuel Inbar
Hotel Lovec - neverjetno vzdušje!!!
Med našim enodnevnim izletom po Gorenjski smo se slučajno ustavili v vaši restavraciji. Ambient, postrežba, hrana in prijazno osebje so nas tako navdušili, da smo takoj pozabili na dopust na morju in rezervirali sobo v vašem hotelu. Rezultat - gotovo se bomo še vrnili! Posebne pohvale za program "ROMANTIČNI PAKET"! Odlična postrežba, izvrstna hrana in izvirna dekoracija mize! Vrtnica mi bo lep spomin! Da ne pozabimo najpomembnejše - OSEBJA!!!
Vsi prijazni, ustrežljivi, potrpežljivi in mislimo, da jih lahko brez kančka slabe vesti proglasimo za DUŠO VAŠEGA HOTELA. Ker veliko potujemo, po Slo in tujini, iščemo vedno nekaj "več" pomeni, ampak Hotel Lovec to gotovo ima! Vzdušje, ki ga pričara vaš mlad tim, človeka prevzame, da si želiš, da bi lahko ostal dlje. Naj izpostavim TOMAŽA - ODLIČNA PREZENTACIJA, VELIKO ZNANJA IN ZANIMIVE IDEJE!!!
Za zaključek - še veliko uspeha, dobrih gostov in obdržite to svojo dušo, ki nas je zagotovo prepričala, da se še vrnemo!!!Nepozabni ste!
Najlepša hvala vsem! Vso srečo!
Jasmina & Gregor (LJ & NM)
Hiya Tomas,
I really enjoyed your presentation of Slovenia. Thank you for sharing it with me. It showed scenes of Slovenia that I never knew existed. I am here with my elderly mother at present, but it has inspired me to return and try some new experiences. I read about Slovenia in the publication called »The Lonely planet«. It's a great book but this has been more helpful in colour and excitement.
Kind Regards
Great IT skills BTW.
Wir haben herzlichen Tage in Slovenien in Hotel Lovec gehabt. Vor allem die Königstour eine sehr gute Empfehlung und fantastische TV - Präsentation von Herrn Tomaz Kosir hat uns ausgezeichnet gefallen. Die Tour ist eine Bereicherung für jeden Slowenien Besucher. Wir freuen uns schon heute auf unseren nächsten Urlaub in Hotel Lovec in Bled.
Bis 2008
Alfred Busch, Roswitha Berg
Lake Bled was beautiful, absolutely breathtaking. Make sure you speak to Tomaz for local information as not only is it great to see about general information on the area it is a good watch "boot"!
Ensure you see Vintgar and dont miss an early morning run around the lake - its only 6 km. Thanks to Hotel Lovec for all their help. Will be back
Sara & Renee Bonnet
We have loved our time in Lake Bled. It is so peaceful in beautiful here. We thank Tomaz for all the help and information and the friendly service of the staff. The insight into the beatuy and history of this beautiful country was captuating in Tomaz' presentation of the lakes and mountains of Slovenia. On our journey through Europe this has been our most pleasant and memoriable stay. We wish Tomaz the very best and greatly admire his enthusiasm and love of his country. Thank you Tomaz. God Bless.
Robert & Barbara Gander
Dear Tomaz,
we watched your presentation and were wery impressed with the detail. Today we travelled up to Bohinj and found the trip so much more interesting with the knowledge gained by the presentation. My family would like to thank you for the welcome and all the effort we received from your good self. Wishing you success in the future.
John Williamson (Ireland) + family
Your hospitality and enthusiasm are really appreciated. Mr. Ažmam is very lucky to have you! I hope your entreprenueural spirit will allow you to fulfil your dreams. I am looking forward with excitment to see your presentation. See you again
Arshad Ahmad IEDC (Canada)
We have recently returned from a wonderful holiday in Croatia and Slovenia with our last few days at the Hotel Lovec at Lake Bled.
I just wanted to say that we found the hotel staff very helpful, particularly those on reception who recommended some excellent trips for us. We thought the video designed by Tomas was interesting and beautiful to look at and it certainly made us keen to return to the area if we ever have the opportunity.
Kind regards
Val Barter
I and my husband were as lucky as to visit your city spending 4 days in your hotel as guests of Hotel Parliament BW (Hungary) in July.
We would like to say thank you for the hospitality as well as for the welcoming slide show presented by Tomaz Kosir upon arrival. It was a great help for us to decide where to go to and look around as our time was very limited. Probably we shall need another visit to be able to wander around all the beautiful places offerred in your surroundings.
Thanking you again and wishing all the best,
Krisztina Scollon
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